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SynErgy Thermal Management GmbH _ Adlerstraße 23 _ 47798 Krefeld
Concept Development and Design
Use our Know-how from the outset!
We support your development process in the early concept development phase. We define the requirements to your subsystem or component derived from the requirements to the total system or vehicle. First calculations allow for an early assesment wether or not the required targets can be reached.

The simulation of complex systems, e.g. a vehicle air conditioning system, can be simulated on different levels. The simulationtool Dymola, which has been embedded into the CATIA 3DS-environment, offers a wide range of possibilities. Several commercial available third-party libraries can be used to simulate thermodynamical processes, systems and components.
SynErgy Thermal Management uses the HumanComfort-Library by XRG-Simulation to simulate the influence of different air conditiong system designs, control strategies and components on the passengers' thermal comfort.
From test planning up to the evaluation, analysis and presentation of test results: SynErgy Thermal Management supports your product development with experience, expertise and competence in the validation of thermal components and sytems.
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